QUALIFICATION PROCEDURESall bowhunters must take IBEP and UXO training, and pass a qualification (proficiency test).  At time of qualification, hunters must provide VA State licenses/permits, proof of IBEP and UXO, Access Pass (Mil ID, CAC, Vis Pass).  Do not email documents.

Qualifications take place at Bldg 780, 10101 Johnston Rd where the Outdoor Broadhead Range is located.  Refer to Manual for qualification process. Qualifications are by appointment only.  A volunteer is available Tuesdays from 1730-1930 by calling Conservation Branch at 703-915-5682 to make appointment.

For those who qualified with FFX Co Deer Mgt Program or Quantico you may email required documents to:

CWD - All deer harvested on Fort Belvoir must be submitted for CWD Check after checking deer in at check station (behind Bldg 778 ODR).  Directions for head removal and submittal: /files/CWD_Surveillance_Head_Drop_Information.pdf

Fort Belvoir’s bowhunting program has existed since the early 1980’s.  Approximately 3000 acres of the installation are accessible to bowhunting for deer, turkey, and small game species that are in season and in accordance with VDWR laws and regulations.  The most popular game species is the white-tailed deer.  The installation is divided into 31 hunting areas as determined by training areas, roads, and geographical features.  These 31 areas accommodate 119 hunting slots available to the public.  The second most popular game species is the eastern wild turkey.  There are 5 zones that make up the spring turkey season, accommodating 20 hunters.

​Fort Belvoir participates in the VDWR Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP).  Through this participation, VDWR provides DMAP tags to be used for antlerless deer at no cost to the hunter.  In return, VDWR requires that all deer harvested have data collected which helps to determine heard health and population dynamics.  Date includes sex, weight, milk presence (females), and antler measurements.  VDWR also requires that a lower jawbone from each harvested deer be submitted along the data.  Jawbones are used to age the deer and help to assess heard health and dynamics.  Below are links for how to check for presense of milk and removal of jawbones:

HARVEST DATA POWER POINT 2024 /files/Harvest%20Data%20PPT%202024.pdf

Presence of Milk

Jawbone Removal

Instructions for Collecting Deer Harvest Data